This week, we're talking about self-care: Suppose you've been wondering how to shift from needing validation or being a people-pleaser to someone who takes care of themselves. In that case, I'm addressing it all in today's post.
Veröffentliche Beiträge von “Stefanie Schornsheim”
Stefanie works as a writer and video game designer. She started PLOTVENTURE to share the exact steps and methods she used to overcome anxiety and pursue her dream life.
The fear of the fear is one of the elements that keep you inside the panic loop.
Let's look at how a panic loop is structured and discuss three strategies for breaking out of this negative feedback spiral.
"How to Overcome Anxiety and Live Your Life to the Fullest" is the purpose of this blog.
If you're suffering from anxiety, feel stuck in your life, or really want to make a change, but something is holding you back - I got you covered.