Ready To Start Overcoming Your Speaker Anxiety?
Do you fear judgment when holding a presentation or speaking up in a meeting? No worries, an estimated 75 percent of all adults have glossophobia – the fear of speaking in front of others. Yet only 8 percent of them seek help. The others? Fall short of their potential because they can’t overcome speaker anxiety alone.
But you already made the first step by coming here!
We’re gonna make this suuuuper easy and start by understanding your thoughts.
Click below to get my workbook, Overcome Speaker Anxiety, for $0, where you’ll learn my 4-step process to overcome speaker anxiety so that you can become a known expert in your industry, accelerate your growth in your career or business, and feel confident promoting your „personal brand“ (whether you work in a company OR have your own business).
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Getting the promotion (and the pay rise). Raising awareness. Feeling confident in your work. Being proud of yourself and what you’re doing. Coming across as the expert you indeed are. Inspiring others. Supporting the team. Making the life of colleagues easier. Showing your kids that they can do and achieve everything they love.
These are the reasons why the people I work with want to overcome their public speaking fears.
But right now, you might feel like speaking up in front of others is harder than you thought.
I know how hard it is to put yourself out there, to begin with. You feel vulnerable and worried about rejection. You’re afraid of making mistakes. Sometimes you wonder if your work is even good enough to be presented, or if you should be the one raising awareness of a specific topic.
I also know that the feeling confident in your work, speaking up, and getting the recognition that you want so badly is definitely, 100% possible for you… if only you get out of your way.
The thing is, you don’t have to do it alone! Click below to learn how we can work together to make you so confident that nothing can get you ruffled.